About Hospice Care

Hospice care is a specialized end-of-life care serving the patient’s needs to enhance their quality of life. A team of specialized health care professionals will provide comfort to the patient through pain and symptom management rather than a cure for the illness. Hospice care can also provide comfort to the family during and beyond the life of the patient with social and bereavement services.

Hospice care’s objective is to provide compassionate, comfort care rather than a cure for the terminal illness. For a patient to qualify for hospice care a physician must establish the patient has a prognosis of 6-months or less of life, taking into consideration the patient’s illness will run its natural course.

Hospice team members, including registered nurses, will care for you in your home with scheduled visits. Nurses are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for emergency visits or to answer questions you or your family may have. Hospice care will use its resources to find caregiver support as well as other resources you may need.

During in-home visits hospice team members provide:

Pain and symptom management to the patient

Medical care, medical supplies, medical equipment and covered hospice medications

Insight into creating and maintaining a healthy, safe living environment

Personal care including bathing and help getting dressed

Counseling concerning health care wishes, financial needs, including obtaining available financial support services and other benefits from other agencies

Also offered to patient and their family is educating about the end-of-life

Hospice patient care education and training to caregivers

Emotional counseling including grief support

Interfaith spiritual support

When to call a hospice company:

Patients and families get the maximum benefit from hospice when called earlier in their prognosis. Many families provide feedback wishing they had called sooner for the personalized hospice care they received.

Here are some signs to look for when considering hospice care for a loved one:

Increasing frequency of hospital / emergency room visits

Unexplained drop in weight and strength

Spending most of the day laying down

Also offered to patient and their family is educating about the end-of-life

Increased shortness of breath while resting

Is it time for hospice?

Learn about hospice and how to get started.

Signs to Look For
Our Hospice Services

Learn about our hospice care services.

Hospice Overview
Who Pays For Hospice

Learn the ways to pay for hospice care

Here's Your Options
Hospice Admission Process

Learn about our admission process.

See the Steps
Hospice Care Myths & Facts

Learn more about hospice care.

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